What is the ARRS scheme?
The Additional Roles Reimbursement Scheme (ARRS) supports Primary care networks (PCNs) by providing funding for reimbursable roles.
The scheme has two key goals: to support the recruitment of 26,000 additional staff and reduce the health inequalities arising from workforce shortages in general practices.
How much is ARRS funding?
NHS England estimates that the ARRS will be worth more than $1 billion in 2022–2023 as a whole. The purpose of ARRS is to assist in hiring 26,000 new employees for general practice.
What is the ARRS role in primary care?
Additional Roles (ARRS) is a summary term used to refer to a range of new, centrally-funded roles which allow PCNs to establish multi-disciplinary teams to provide more integrated health and social care services locally.
Which roles are funded through ARRS in 2022?
· clinical pharmacists.
· social prescribing link workers.
· physician associates.
· paramedics.
· first contact physiotherapists.
· pharmacy technicians.
· occupational therapists.
· dietitians.